Please proceed to do whatever you want, as long as it does not conflict with the laws of any country.
Adult humans must maintain a beard unless they don’t want to.
If you do not know how to play chess and would like to learn, the Naczelny Wielebny Makaron (The Chief Noodle Reverend) will teach you, so just ask.
Any member may pastize (like a baptize, but with pasta) a new convert by boiling one pasta noodle of any type, slapping the convert on the nose with the noodle, and then presenting the noodle to the convert, who then easts it, representing the consumption of the body of his Noodley Goodness. Follow that procedure by consuming one shot of any liquid of the new member’s choice. The Naczelny Wielebny Makaron may authorize pastisms in absentia to be performed by anyone.
Join a weird denomination of a church based on spaghetti, because, why not?
We believe religion – say Christianity, Islam, Pastafarianiasm – does not require literal belief in order to provide spiritual enlightenment. Much of the transcendent experience of religion can be attributed to the community. And while some members of religion are indoctrinated True Believers, many are not. There are many levels of Belief and each is no more or less legitimate than the other.
That is to say, you do not have to Believe to be part of our Church, but we hope in time you will see the Truth. But skeptics, as well as members of other religions, are always welcome.
(Source: The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Webpage; click below!)
The Eight "I'd Really Rather you Didnt's"
His Noodly Goodness Provided 8 Condiments